Invoice Fields

Permissions (37).png

Below is a list of what each field represents on an invoice:


  • Customer  The customer for who the invoice will be assigned. Find out more about entering a new customer here.
  • Site - Use this if your customer has separate physical locations and you wish to record which customer location this invoice is for. Find out more about setting up and configuring sites here.
  • Reference – A customer reference or order number.
  • Pricing Level - Use this to determine which pricing is used on this invoice. If you don't use pricing levels, invoices won't have this field. Find out more about setting up and configuring pricing levels here.
  • Document Theme - The theme used to display the invoice document when printing or emailing this invoice to a customer. You can customise the theme from the 'Preview' tab. Find out more about Document Themes here.
  • Invoice Date – The invoice issue date. This defaults to the invoice creation date, but can be edited.
  • Due Date - The date the invoice is due for payment. You can configure default due dates in Invoice Settings.
  •  Tax - Use this to configure whether the invoice should be tax inclusive, exclusive or have no tax.
  • Terms & Payment Information - Use this to add your terms and share payment information so that your customer knows how to pay the invoice. Save these to your Document Theme so you don't have to enter them every time. 

Line Items

  • Item code - An internal reference for line items. Item codes are not customer-facing. 
  • Description – Use this field to enter a description of what the invoice is for. If you've created the invoice from a job or quote, the description will be copied over and can be edited.  
  • Quantity - Use the quantity field to increase or decrease the quantity of the item.
  • Unit Price - Use this field to change the sell price of the item.
  • Discount % - Use this field to provide a percentage discount on line items.
  • Amount Tradify will automatically calculate the amount based off quantity x unit price x discount.
  • Tax Rate - The tax rate that will be applied to a line item. Find out more about tax rates here.
  • Account – The account code that applies to a line item. If you're not integrated with an accounting system, line items won't have this field. 


The below are for internal record keeping purposes only and are not customer-facing.

  • Payments Received - Use this section to keep a record of the payments you have received from the customer for the invoice. The invoice amount paid and amount due will automatically update based on payments recorded here. If you have received full payment, you can quickly mark the invoice as paid by selecting 'Options > Mark as Paid'.
  • Notes - Use this section to add internal notes and/or files to your invoice. Find out more about attaching files here.
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