Understanding Xero and Tradify's Integration

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Learn more about how to integrate your Tradify account with Xero.

Seeing error messages? Check out Understanding Xero Error Messages in Tradify.

If you're wanting to remove a Xero integration from your Tradify account, please get in touch with our support team.

Where can I use Xero and Tradify?

We offer Xero integration with Tradify in the following countries:

  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • United States of America
  • Canada
  • Ireland
  • South Africa

While the integration may work outside of these territories, we cannot guarantee this. 

How to integrate with Xero

Head over to Settings and select "Integrations", then click on "Xero".


Select "Login to Xero".

Note: You’ll now be redirected to Xero and asked to log in and authorise Tradify.


To authorize Tradify, simply log in to your Xero account by using your Xero login credentials.

Note: If you're already logged into Xero, it will automatically skip this step.


Click on "Allow Access".

Note: This will finalise the authorisation process.


Once authorised, you will automatically be redirected back to the integrations page in Tradify. You'll also notice four new account fields and five presets are available to edit. The account fields are mandatory and need to be mapped in order to post Invoices and Bills to Xero.


Using the dropdown fields, select the appropriate account codes for Sales of Labour, Sales of Materials, your Bank Account and Purchases - then click "Save".

Note: If you're unsure on which account codes to use, we recommend speaking with your accountant or bookkeeper. If you'd prefer to go at this alone, please see here to learn more about mapping your Xero account codes.

Integration Presets 

The following presets are available to use at your discretion. You can enable as many or as little as you'd like.

Use Xero invoice numbering sequence. This is recommended if you plan to create invoices using both Tradify and Xero, as it will keep the sequence in order in both platforms.
As the name suggests, enabling this option will trigger Tradify to use Xero's invoice numbering sequences over its own. This all takes place during the stage of sending the invoice to Xero. Until that point in time, the invoice will remain with a 'draft' title in Tradify.


Send invoice description to Xero. This will create a line item using the invoice description when sending invoices to Xero.
If this option is enabled, Tradify will send the invoice description to Xero in the form of a line item. We do this as Xero doesn't have the same 'description' field as you would find on the Tradify invoice.


Create Inventory Items in Xero. This will create or update inventory items to match items on your invoices and bills you send to Xero.
When this option is enabled, Tradify synchronises the Price List Items on an Invoice with the Inventory Items in Xero. Any changes made to the description, unit price or buy price will be updated in Xero from Tradify (when an invoice with the relevant price list items are sent over).


Send files to Xero. This will include files attached to notes when sending invoices and bills to Xero.
When this option is enabled, any files attached to an invoice in Tradify (under the notes section of the invoice) are added to the file attachment section on the corresponding invoice in Xero.



Importing from Xero

Once the link has been established with Xero, you can import your customers, suppliers and price list items by following the processes in each of the articles linked below.

Importing Customers from Xero

Importing Suppliers from Xero

Importing Price List Items from Xero

Important Note: You can perform the above steps at any stage to update your Customers, Suppliers and Price List Items in Tradify. However, we do recommend creating and maintaining these in Tradify directly, as they will automatically update in Xero when sending invoices and bills over.

Synchronising with Xero

Synchronise invoices, payments and credit notes, and transfer bills, customers and suppliers to Xero. 

Syncing with Xero means you need things set up correctly, so we’ve created this guide on some common issues and how to fix them.




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