Turning Health & Safety Activities Into Actionable Tasks For Every Job

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Most trade businesses have a range of health and safety responsibilities for their staff and their customers, and this can make about a big amount of the admin overhead that comes with running a large number of jobs. The good news is that Tradify has a number of features designed to make it fast, easy and simple to ensure your team know what they are doing, and letting you track and monitor their health and safety practices on every job.

There are a couple features in particular that once set up, will give you instant access to health and safety tools without breaking a sweat.

Job Templates - Work Description With Simple Task Analysis Template

Every Job in Tradify has a description section. This allows for large, formatted text, which means you can do pretty much anything with it, including making a simple Task Analysis Register. The simplest and most versatile way of accomplishing this is making a simple list, with placeholders. You can then simply copy and paste the list again for each step you want to make.


But wait, there's more!

Of course, manually creating this list every time is a bit of a pain. But what if you could have this placeholder list available for every new job, or better yet, what if you could have some prefab lists all ready to go for common jobs. Thanks to Job Templates you can do just that. To get there, click Jobs > New Job Template.

Job Template Name – Give this template a name that refers to the type of TA template you'll be saving in it.

Description – Simply copy and paste the TA list in here and make whatever changes and edits you wish. You may find that there is a common set of health and safety items you want to include on every job.

Task Analysis

This Task Analysis has an Emergency Response Plan - Yes/N/A
PPE required for activity/task - Enter here
Administrative Controls - Yes/N/A

Step One - Enter description here
  • Potential Hazards and Risks
    • Hazard - Number and describe key hazard
    • Initial Risk Assessment - Enter here
    • Control Methods and Level Of Control
      • Enter Method and Level Of Control here
    • Residual risk assessment - Enter here

Now hit Save and you'll have your first task analysis template ready for use when creating a new job.

Using Job Tasks  

You may find that you have a common list of activities to check off at the start and end of every job. In particular you may have a set of health and safety practices that you need to ensure have been followed out in the field. Tradify Job Tasks are a great way of doing this.

Here is an example of some COVID-19 Base Protocols that can be turned into tasks and checked off on the job. Again, you can add these tasks to a Job Template and they will be generated when you create a new job using that Template.

  • Site Plan - Have an up to date site plan that is communicated and agreed with the appropriate persons.

  • Review Contractor Site Plans - Ensure you have read and understood site plans for any third party contractors.

  • COVID-19 Response Plan - Have a COVID-19 response plan in place to identify processes for dealing with suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases.

  • Incident Reporting - Ensure you complete an incident report in the event of a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.

  • Sign-In Register - Maintain a sign-in register and detailed work schedule to understand the movements and activities of all workers in the event of an exposure to COVID-19.

  • Remote Work - Stay in contact with workers who may be in isolation or working remotely.

  • Mental Health - Ensure to assist workers to access mental health and wellbeing information.

  • Toolbox Talks - Ensure you are holding Toolbox Talks regularly to keep workers up to date with COVID-19 protocols as it progresses.

  • Standard Health & Safety Protocols - Ensure you keep your normal health and safety obligations.

  • PPE & Cleaning - Check that all required PPE is available for workers and on site including gloves and cleaning products.

  • Work Plan - Plan work taking into account site separation of operating under distancing guidelines.

Bonus Round  

The Tradify mobile app reminds workers about healthy practices whilst it is downloading job data, so you don't have to!

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