Manage Variations on Jobs

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Learn more about handling variations of a job. 

There are two ways to handle variations on a job.  The first would be to create a separate job for the variations, and the second would be to use tasks as a way to separate costs and invoice variations separately.

Creating a separate job as a variation

Creating another job allows you to manage the variation work completely independently of the main job/project. You can also produce one invoice for all the work carried out across multiple jobs. This can be achieved by using the Billing Run feature within Invoices.

The following is an example of where a separate Job has been created to handle variations.  We recommend using the Reference field to indicate that it is sub-job of another job, and that it is a job to handle variation costings. In this example, the Reference indicates the job is a sub-job of JB0009 and so the Reference field reads - JB0009 Variation.



Using job tasks for variations

As mentioned, you can also use Job Tasks to create variations. As such, the variation request can be added to the Job as a new Task (as shown below).

Note: If you're new to Job Tasks, please familiarise yourself with how they can be used via this article here.


The Task(s) can then be allocated to your time and material costs on the Job (as shown below).


These costs can then be invoiced separately if required. To do so, head over to the Invoice tab (within the relevant job). From here, select New Invoice > Time & Materials From Job > then highlight the relevant task(s) that you wish to invoice for, followed by Create draft invoice.


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