Tradify supports data import in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. It can also accept .txt files, as long as they adhere to the CSV format, especially if generated by your supplier. When preparing your data for import, you only need to populate certain columns. The mandatory fields include the Item Code, Description, and Buy Price. If you're uncertain about the data format, please consult the reference table below for guidance.
Field |
Description |
Is Mandatory? |
Rules |
Item Code |
Used as the unique identifier for the item in Tradify. May also be known as Product Code, SKU, PKU. |
Yes |
Description |
Used to describe the item. |
Yes |
Unit of Measure |
Used to describe the unit quantity (i.e - Each, Meter, Sq, etc). |
No |
Buy Price |
The cost for which you purchase the item for. |
Yes |
Category |
Used to group similar items. |
No |
Sales Tax Rate |
Default sales tax rate for the item. |
No |
Sales Account Code |
Used to map items to your respective accounting package. |
No |
Purchase Tax Rate |
Default purchase tax rate for the item. |
No |
Purchase Account Code |
Used to map items to their respective account codes in the accounting package. |
No |
Includes Tax |
Set item to Tax Inclusive or Tax Exclusive. |
No |
Archived |
Used to archive items which are not to be used or seen. |
No |
Standard |
Represents the item sell price. |
No |
Additional pricing levels |
If you have additional pricing levels they will be listed as a column similar to "standard" above. |
No |
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