You can capture signature quickly on the job using the Tradify app on a smartphone or tablet, and saving the signature to notes.
- In your Tradify app, head to Jobs, then click on the job you're working on.
- At the top of your job, click on the Notes tab
- Click the New Note button
- Click Add Photo/Video or Signature, then choose Capture Signature
- The name in the top right corner will default to the Customer's name, to change this, e.g. when capturing a supervisor, site manager or staff members signature, just click on the name to edit this.
- Use the blank space to draw your signature.
- Click Done to save the signature, if needed add any additional text to the note.
- Click Save to save your Note.
Additional Information
You can also capture a signature on the Tradify app when:
- Signing off a Job Sheet
- Accepting a Quote
- Accepting a Job Service Report
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