Learn more about the accounting errors you may come across in Tradify when integrated with MYOB.
MYOB AR "Unknown Error"
We've recently noticed an uptake in the user's encountering an "Unknown Error" when sending invoices and Bills to their respective MYOB accounts.
We've been in contact with MYOB's support team and they've acknowledged the issue to be related to an error in their AccountRight API. However, unfortunately, they've yet to find a solution to the issue.
Please be aware that these issues may reappear. If so, please follow the steps again to resolve it. If you run into any problems, feel free to reach out to support and we'll be happy to help.
As interim workarounds, you can overcome the error by doing either of the following:
Turn off "Warn for duplicate invoices in MYOB"
- Head over to your MYOB AR account > click on Setup > Preferences > Sales > ensure the following us unticked: "Warn for Duplicate Invoice Numbers on Recorded Sales".
- Head back to Tradify and re-post the original invoice that was encountering the error.
Update your invoice sequence in MYOB:
- Head over to your MYOB AR account > create a new dummy invoice and Save it.
- Head back to Tradify and re-post the original invoice that was encountering the error.
Ensure that your Tradify invoice sequence has 8 characters:
- Within Tradify, navigate to Settings > Invoices.
- Adjust your sequence number so that it has 8 characters.
- Example: if the current number in your sequence is 345, adjust it to be 00000345.
Invoice Draft can't be sent to MYOB because of the following errors: ReferenceForCard:
This issue appears when a user has a Reference field that is longer than 20 characters. As there's a character limit, we suggest keeping the reference field to a description this long to avoid any errors.
Invoice Draft can't be sent to MYOB because of the following errors: Line Item 1 ItemNumber:(Item) Inventory_DuplicateItemNumber
This issue appears when the inventory you're trying to add already exists in MYOB. To solve this issue:
- Delete your current entry.
- In MYOB, find the original entry.
- Record details about the entry and find it back in Tradify.
- Use the original entry as your Inventory number.
- Try sending the amended invoice back to MYOB.
This error may also appear if you have recently reconnected to MYOB.
Head to Settings > Integrations and reselect the options in each of these lists, and then save. Then try and send off an invoice again.
Check out more information on mapping account codes on MYOB Account Right or MYOB Essentials
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