Cancel a Quote

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In Tradify, you can cancel a quote instead of deleting it.

This can be helpful if you ever need to refer to the Quote in future, rather than completely deleting the record of it from the system. Especially if its a quote that's been sent out to a customer.


How to:

  1. Check that the Quote is in an Approved, Accepted or Expired status
    If you have a Draft Quote you'd like to Cancel, simply click Approve, to access the option.
  2. Click Options - In the top right corner of your browser (or on the app under the '...'menu) 
  3. Then Cancel Quote 

    Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 12.30.36 PM.png


If you cancel a Quote by accident, inside the Cancelled Quote, select Options > Reset to Draft


Additional Information

A Quote will also automatically change to a Cancelled status, when Revised.

A customer will no longer be able to view a Cancelled quote, and will see an error message saying: Quote Unavailable

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