Add Tasks to a Job

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Adding Tasks to a Job can be helpful in separating chunks of your work.

  1. To include a new task, follow these steps:
  2. Access the relevant job and scroll down to the Tasks section.
  3. Click on New Task.

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Note: If you have pre-existing tasks in a quote, you can also copy them. Check out Copying Job Tasks from a Quote

During task creation, you can edit the following fields:

  • Name: Provide a descriptive title for the task.
  • Description: Enter a comprehensive description of the work associated with this task.
  • Staff: Select the staff members assigned to perform this task.
    • Note: If the task is linked to an appointment, the same staff members assigned to the appointment will be automatically assigned to the task.
  • Due Date (optional): Specify the deadline for completing the task.
  • Estimated Cost (optional): Enter an estimated value of work for the task. This helps track the task's profitability by comparing it to the actual costs.

You can also edit the tasks inline if you have the functionality to do so. You do this by simply clicking on the relevant section you'd like to edit.


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