Ensuring Your Clients are Receiving Emails from Tradify

Understand more about how you can avoid your Tradify emails going to your customer's spam or junk inboxes. 

There are a wide range of spam tools and an even wider range of rules used to determine whether an email is considered "spam".

If you find that some of your emails are not getting through to your clients, the first thing you should do is consider personalising the subject line and message contents to the recipient, or rewriting the default templates to match the style of your business. Including your name and address as part of the email text could also help.

Subject Lines

Email subject lines are the first place a spam filter will look to determine whether to block the message or not. Many filters will block emails that contain the word 'quote' in the subject line! You can find a list of words known to cause issues here.

What Next?

If you're still finding that specific clients/customers aren't receiving your emailed quotes, invoices, or purchase orders, then it's likely that Tradify's sent-from address has been marked as 'spam' by the client's email server. It's also just as likely that these emails are sitting in their corresponding spam folders.

Although we cannot change this ourselves, there is a way for the client to do so on their end. Below are the steps to add Tradify as a trusted source for today's 3 most common email clients. If your client isn’t receiving your emails, then send them a link to this article and they should be able to solve the problem.

In the event that these steps fail to resolve the issue, please contact our support team - support@tradifyhq.com


How to whitelist Tradify's email domain

We've listed below the required steps to whitelist Tradify's email domain within the 3 most widely used email clients. This will need to be actioned on the client's end.


  1. In your Outlook inbox, click on the gear icon (which is located beside your Profile name/image)
  2. From the drop-down menu, click on Options
  3. This will open up a new side menu which will display on the left-hand side. Navigate this menu and click on Mail
  4. Under Junk email, click on Safe Senders
  5. Using the provided text field on the Safe sender's page, enter messages@tradifyhq.com and then select Add to list (+ icon)
  6. Click Save (top right) and close


  1. In your Gmail inbox, click the gear icon (which is located underneath your Profile name/image)
  2. From the drop-down menu, click on Settings
  3. This will open up the settings page. Navigate to the Filters and Blocked Addresses page
  4. Click on Create a new filter (This will open a new window)
  5. In the From field, enter messages@tradifyhq.com
  6. Enable this setting by clicking on Create filter with this search >>
  7. Next, place a 'check' in the box next to Never send it to Spam
  8. Click Create a filter to save the changes


  1. In your Yahoo inbox, click on the gear icon (which is located at the top right-hand corner)
  2. From the drop-down menu, click on Settings
  3. In the left-hand panel, click on Filters
  4. Under the heading Sort incoming messages into folders click on Add (This will open a new window)
  5. In the From field (also labelled Filter Name), enter messages@tradifyhq.com
  6. In the pull-down menu for Then deliver the email to the following folder, choose Inbox
  7. Click Save

Here are some proven ideas to try:

  1. Adding your contact details, such as your phone number and/or business address. This can be helpful for your customer, but it can also help increase legitimacy of your email.
  2. Further personalising - any other relevant ways you can make the email more personal, including a few brief words about the job, even make use of email template variables.

If you want to set up your email templates, so they're already customised each time, head to Email Templates in Settings. 

Using email template variables can be a helpful way to save time, and use information you may have already entered into Tradify, to include in your email. Things like [customername] [contactname] [sitename] [reference] or [jobaddress] 


Here are ideas/suggestions on using variables:

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 5.15.25 PM.png


Subject: [site] Invoice ready from [companyname]💡


Hey [customername],

Invoice [number] for [reference] at [jobaddress] is ready for your review and payment. 

If you have any questions regarding this invoice, please respond to this email or call us on (020) 8068 5815


[sender] at [companyname] 💡


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