Add a Section to a Quote

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Quote Sections offer an excellent way to break up quotes into different segments, such as if you want to separate your costs by stages of work.

To group your items, hover to the right of the item so the menu appears and either click:

  • Add to Section - to group items for display purposes; or
  • Add to Optional Section - group items, but make the section optional so the quote can be selected with or without the group.

Give your section a Display Name and Description, which will show on the quote, then click Ok.

You’ll now see the line item in a section. If you want to go back and change its details, or whether it is optional, just click the title, make your changes in the popup and click Ok.  


You can drag or drop line items between sections if you need. by clicking on the three dots that appear to the left of a line item and dragging it.


You can create as many Quote Sections as you like, and there is no limit to the number of items that can be assigned to any section.


Important Note: Sections are saved to the individual Quote, not the account. This means, you will need to create a new set of sections for every new quote created.

Additionally, Sections are only visible/usable on Quotes. They will not transfer over to any other feature in Tradify. However, you can copy a section into a Job Task. For more information on this process, please see here.


Example of how sections are displayed

As an example to show you how sections are displayed, we've created two sections and added identical line items to them. Notice how each section has its own cost, gross profit and total. 

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 14.07.42.png

Here's an example of how this would look on the customer-facing PDF: 

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 14.00.30.png

Please note: You cannot add optional sections on the mobile app.







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