How To add Timesheet Notes to your Invoices

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Timesheet Notes can be used as internal-only notes for your business,

Or they can be pulled into a Time & Materials Invoice, to share more information about a job with your customer.



  1. Head to Settings > Invoices 

  2. Make sure Generate invoices using job appointments from job appointments instead of timesheets if toggled OFF, and Use timesheet notes for line item description is toggled ON 

    Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 3.27.44 PM.png

  3. Add your Timesheet to your job, on mobile or web, add any Notes to in your timesheets.  

    Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 3.35.48 PM.png

  4. Head to the Invoices tab in your job, to generate a New Invoice from Time & Materials, and press OK.

    Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 4.32.16 PM.png 

  5. Your timesheet notes should display as (Notes - Date - Time/Duration) at this point, you can edit the line item description and remove any internal notes from the customers Invoice. 

    Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 4.41.55 PM.png 

  6. Then click on the Preview tab to check out how your customer will see it. 

    Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 4.46.04 PM.png


Additional Information

If you want to go a step further, and show a line by line breakdown of labour, tasks and other notes to your customer?

Check out Job Service Reports.


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