Fields Required when Importing Bills

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Mandatory fields to import supplier bills

The preferred file format is a CSV (Comma Separated Value). It can also be .txt, however, it must still be compiled in a comma-separated value format when it was generated by your supplier. Not all columns need to be populated either. Only the Item Code, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Due Date and Amount are mandatory. If you’re unsure at all, use the table below as a reference.



Field Description

Is Mandatory?

Rules for Field

Invoice Number

The supplier invoice name or number.


  • Limited to 20 characters.

Invoice Date

This will be used as the invoice creation date.


  • Date format must be dd/mm/yyyy
  • Must be before Due Date.

Due Date

This will be used as the invoice due date.


  • Date format must be dd/mm/yyyy
  • Must be after Invoice Date.

Item Code

Used as the unique identifier for the item in Tradify. May also be known as Product Code, SKU, PKU.

  • Limited to 100 characters
  • Can only be used once for each supplier
  • Must be unique or it will overwrite the existing supplier price list item with the identical item code.


Used to describe the item.


  • Limited to 200 characters.


Used for the item quantity.


  • Can be fractional amounts or whole numbers
  • Must be numeric characters.

Unit Price

Price per item.


  • Must not contain the $ symbol.
  • Must be numeric characters.


The total amount of the line item (multiply unit price by quantity).


  • Must not contain the $ symbol.
  • Must be numeric characters.


Tips for importing bills

  1. Check to make sure there are no missing or blank rows (a common issue on larger files).
  2. Certain characters can cause issues if they’re used in specific ways. For this reason, we recommend removing the following characters/symbols:

    $   (dollar symbol) 
    “   (quotation symbol)
    -   (en dash symbol)
    –  (em dash symbol)
    ,   (Comma symbol)

  3. If you’re using column headers, please ensure that there are no duplicates. i.e. you can't have two columns with the same header.
  4. The file size must be no larger than 20mb.
  5. There are no limits to how many bills you may load against a Job in Tradify.

Download out Supplier Bill Template here below: 

Supplier Bill Template.csv (85 Bytes)


If your supplier has sent you a PDF copy of your bill, see here for how to import it: Use SmartRead to Create Bills in Tradify Web

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