Quote Email Template Variables

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Quote Variables are fields that are dynamically substituted when the corresponding text is entered.

For example, if you wanted the Quote Number to automatically appear in the Subject Line of an email, you can achieve this by using the related variable.

Note: Quote Variables can either be used in the Subject Line or within the body of the message itself. These variables are hardcoded into the system, which, unfortunately means, custom variables cannot be created for use.

To see a list of available variables, open up your template and then select "Want to use template variables?".


The following variables will be shown:


With regards to the examples above, notice how in the second example you can calculate a value by using basic 'add' and 'subtract' methods.

Using this method will allow you to render the desired value. i.e. [month -2] = current month - 2 months. In the example above, September is the current month, therefore, the value returned is "July".


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