How to Create a Supplier in Tradify

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Learn more about creating supplier profiles in Tradify. 

There are several ways to go about creating suppliers in Tradify. In this article, we're going to focus on the default process which entails creating them from the Supplier tab. However, you can also create a supplier from any purchase order and/or bill. To do so, simply click the + icon next to the supplier field (as shown below).



Creating Suppliers

To create a new supplier, head over to Suppliers > then select "New Supplier".


Below is a list comprehensive list of what each field represents on the supplier profile.

Important Note: Whenever a supplier is added to a purchase order or bill, Tradify will automatically populate the corresponding fields with the information input here. If you leave these blank, Tradify will use the company defaults (configured in your settings).

Supplier Name - Name of the Supplier. This will be used on any related purchase order and or bill.

Note: This is a mandatory field. You cannot save the supplier profile without giving it a name.
Contact Name - Use this field if you have a primary contact for this supplier.
Contact Information
Phone - Primary phone number.
Mobile - Primary mobile number.
Fax - Primary fax number.
Email Address - Primary email for the supplier record. If you are not integrating with Xero you can enter multiple email addresses, separated by commas, limited to 50 characters.
Physical Address - Use this field to enter the physical address of the supplier.
Postal Address - Used this field to enter the postal address of the supplier.
Financial Information
Default Invoice Due Date - The date at which bills associated with this supplier will be due for payment.
Document Theme - This represents the invoice layout theme to use when printing or emailing a purchase order bill to a supplier. You can find out more about Document Themes here.
Tax - Select the tax rate that applies to this line item. If left blank, Tradify will assign the default tax rate. For more details on tax rates, please see here.
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