Book a Tradify Training to Get Value Faster

If you're a Tradify customer, you can book a training session with one of our Tradify success team to help you get the most out of Tradify:

  1. Visit this link here to view our calendar. This will take you to our booking link page, where you choose a time to meet with our Tradify setup experts.

  2. Choose your time zone by selecting the drop-down menu under What time works best? 

    It's important that you've chosen your time zone correctly. This ensures you're scheduling a time that suits you. 
  3. Choose your session length. You can choose a 15-minute or a 30-minute slot.

  4. Choose your date and time. Select a day first to see what time slots are available for that date.

  5. Select your time slot.
  6. Fill in your details in the form.

    It's important you complete this form accurately as we may need to get in touch with you. 
  7. When you're finished, select the Confirm your booking button. You will get a booking confirmation on the same page as well as in an email.

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