Tradify's mobile app lets you instantly message customers whilst you are on the go. You can access this function from within the Job or Customer screen for a contact that has a mobile number.
Once you're on either screen, look out for the Message button on the quick actions card which is located at the top of the page.
Hitting this Message button gives you instant access to a list of SMS options including:
- Confirming the next appointment time and date scheduled for this job.
- Confirming that you are on your way and your estimated arrival time, calculated with live traffic data.
- Letting the customer know you are running a little late
- Letting the customer know you've arrived and will start working shortly
- Letting the customer know you've completed the job and departed.
- Letting you write a custom message
All messages will be shown as a newly composed message in your SMS app, allowing you to edit and send as you'd like.
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