Using Google Calendar on Tradify

You can connect with Google Calendar to see your external appointments in the Scheduler. 
Additionally, you’ll be able to see external appointments of any Staff Member who is also connected. 

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How to connect Google Calendar

Open your Staff Member Information which can be accessed by clicking on the company name at the top of the main navigation. 

When the popup opens, you’ll see a Connect Google Calendar button, click it.


You’ll then be asked to log in to your email account (if you haven’t already). Choose the Google account associated with the Calendar you'd like to see in Tradify. You'll then need to allow permission for Tradify to connect with your Google account.  




Once permissions are allowed, your Staff Member Information popup will refresh and you'll then see new under External Calendars.



Changing your privacy settings

To change what external appointment information is shown to other company users, open your Staff Member Information. This can be accessed by clicking on the company name at the top of the main navigation. 

In the popup, under External Calendars you’ll see the Visibility To Others dropdown, click it.

You can choose to show users either:

  • Basic appointment information. 
  • Have your external appointments show as ‘Busy’. 



Changing your calendar's visibility 

To change which of your Google Calendar's is shown in Tradify, open your Staff Member Information. This can be accessed by clicking on the company name at the top of the main navigation. 

In the popup, under External Calendars you’ll see the Calendar dropdown, click it.

By default, your primary Google Calendar will be shown, to change it, select the desired Calendar and click Save.



Seeing your staff's calendars

When a Staff Member is connected to Google Calendar you'll be able to see their external appointments in the Scheduler.

You can see if a Staff Member is connected to Google Calendar by heading over to Settings, then open Staff Members. Once there, click the Staff Member’s name. 

Under External Calendars you'll see a connection status that will either say Connected or Not Connected:


Note: Before you can see if a Staff Member is connected (or not), you'll need to connect your Tradify Account to Google Calendar and be an Admin user. 

Hiding and showing your external calendar 

Head over to the Scheduler screen. Above the calendar, you’ll see a toggle next to the refresh button. Click this toggle to hide and show external appointments in the Scheduler.


Note: This functionality will only be available if your Tradify Account is connected to Google Calendar. 


Disconnecting Google Calendar in Tradify

To disconnect Google Calendar from your Tradify account, open your Staff Member Information. This can be accessed by clicking on the company name at the top of the main navigation. 

In the popup, under External Calendars you’ll see the Disconnect Google Calendar link, click it. You'll then be asked to confirm the disconnection. Click, Disconnect.

Your account will be disconnected from Tradify and external appointments will no longer show in your Scheduler.


Using Google Calendar on Mobile

On Tradify, you can use Google Calendar to show and hide your external appointments, making it easier to check your calendar on the go.

The below video gives you an overview of the feature on an iOS mobile device.

Showing your Google Calendar appointments

To view your Google Calendar appointments on mobile:

  1. Head to your Scheduler.
  2. If you're on a phone, you'll need to select the ... icon in the upper-right corner. If you're on a tablet, there should be a Google icon, which you will need to select.
  3. On a phone, select Show External Calendars.
  4. Your appointments will now appear.


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1 comment
  • We really need this to be generalised and therefore extended to other calendaring solutions. 

    I have a busy life with lots happening, especially around my work. Work gets scheduled around life and vice versa. I want to be able to have a one-way sync of Tradify appointments to a calendaring solution of my choice, be it Google, iCloud or whatever that supports CalDAV.

    I definitely don't want to sync any of my non-work related calendars back to Tradify nor do I want to have to look things up in two different calendars.

    Hard things should be possible and simple things should be easy.


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