Access your To Do List on Mobile
To get started; Click on the ‘To-Do List’ button found on the ‘More’ page.
Create New Tasks
- Navigate to the 'More' Page > Then the 'To-Do list' page.
- From here click the blue '+' button to create a new task.
- Once in the new task page, add the following details:
Description: A description of your task.
Due Date (Optional) : Assign a due date to help order or prioritise your tasks.
Colour Tag (Optional) : Tag tasks with colours to categorise or prioritise them effectively.
Complete your Tasks
- Navigate to the 'To-Do list' and find your task.
- Tap the circular tick button to complete your task, this moves your task to the 'Done' tab.
Note: You can tap on the same button on the 'Done' tab to reset your task and move it back into the 'To- Do' tab.
Additional Informations
For more info on the To-Do List see here: Manage your Mobile To-Do List.
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