Creating a Personal To-Do List

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Accessing your Personal To-Do List

Click on the To-Do List button in the left-hand navigation.

Creating New Tasks

  1. To create a new task you have several options:
Method How-to
Using the ’New Task’ Button Navigate to your to-do list page in the left hand navigation menu and click the New Task button
Using the Blue Quick Add Button Click the blue plus icon located at the top of your navigation manu to add a new task from anywhere in Tradify
Keyboard Shortcuts

Using the keyboard shortcuts to add a new task from anywhere in Tradify

Windows: CTRL+ALT+T


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  1. When creating a new task add the following details:
Field Description
Description A description of your task.
Due Date (Optional) Assign a due date to help order or prioritise your tasks.
Colour Tag (Optional) Tag tasks with colours to categorise or prioritise the effectively.

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  1. Click Save or use the respective keyboard shortcuts 
    • Windows: CTRL+ALT+S


Completing your Tasks

  1. Navigate to the To-Do list and find your task.
  2. Click on the circular radio button to complete your task. Your task will be moved to the Done tab. 
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Note: You can click on the same button to reset your task and move it back into the To Do tab.
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